
Showing posts from June, 2018

Do you Know That ESU saved our UNIVERSE from Demise

When ESU saved our UNIVERSE from Demise by Apetebi Oyaseye Fakayode There was a time when Olodumare, creator of the universe, was feeling ill and depressed because of situations that were spreading among the universe. After doing so much and giving so much Ase to the world, She became weak and frail. A message was sent out and all the Orisha, summoning them to bring whatever tools they needed and do what they can to help cure Olodumare and Her dilemma. The Orisha all gathered together in a great hall where Olodumare sat slumped in Her thrown, as they brainstormed methods that could help cure Her. Obatala was the first to attempt. He took out his whitests cloth and used it to wipe around the face of Olodumare…..there was no effect. Next to try was Orunmila, the Orisha of wisdom and divination. He prepared a special medicine for Oloduamare to drink, but still there was no effect. Next Osanyin, the Orisha who cared for the plants of the earth, took out an herbal rub and covered Olod...


In this current work  we  will embark on full scale documentation of how a  Babalawo   can consecrate an active  Esu aje   element. Esu aje   element is one of the spiritual energy that can be used to build  wealth and prosperity , attain financial success in business or other life pursuits, guarantee your protections over already achieve success. It brings energies and tenacity for you for the exploration of possibilities. The consecration of the element that perform this aforementions purpose in Yoruba spirituality is known as  Esu aje wiwe( consecration of an element to make The energy of Esu –god of cross road and Aje –godess of wealth to work in alliance to favor an individual ).  This ground breaking work will reveal in plethora detail one the ancient method of carrying out this preparation in Yoruba spirituality.  To consecrate  Esu aje  , you will need the following: Yangi inu Odo   (Laterite ...


This work will document some of the potent spiritual preparations available in  Yoruba spirituality   to protect the house and properties from thieves or burglars . Both physical and spiritual measure is essential to protect our home and properties from thieves. It is the spiritual perspective of the aforementioned that we are concern about in this work.  Below are some of the preparations that can be effectively used for the aforementioned purpose . 1.        Ewe owo tutu ( fresh leaves of Aerva lanata), Odidi orogbo kan   ( One seed Of bitter kola  with scientific name Garcina kola),   Eyo omo atare kan   ( One seed of alligator pepper with scientific name aframomum meleguetta)  Egungun monu tabi Egun oku   ( dry bone  ). You will grind the ewe owo tutu(fresh leaves of Aerva lanata). Use  knife to pierce the seed of the ewe owo tutu(fresh leaves of Aerva lanata), put the grinded leaves...


In this work we  shall examine the concept and essence of hope   as teaches by  Ifa   sacred scriptures.   People can survive without much food, water, shelter, clothing, transportation, and even affections. But without hope—many of us would’ve been in the grave by now.  Hope  is the essence of our living and existence up till these present moments of you reading this work. The believes that things will get better with time, is what keep us striving and trying on daily basis, despite temporary defeats on many occasion. The believe that you will still have financial improvemet,have spouse or the house of your dream, get pregnant, have the  dream the job, make your business or company grow , regain your sound health, be reward by creator for your good deed after life etc., are what keep us moving till now . Been hopeful is an essential tool for success, fulfilled and happier life. We hope that Olodumare(God ) hears and answers our prayers, a...