In this work we shall examine the concept and essence ofhope as teaches by Ifa sacred scriptures. People can survive without much food, water, shelter, clothing, transportation, and even affections. But without hope—many of us would’ve been in the grave by now. Hope is the essence of our living and existence up till these present moments of you reading this work. The believes that things will get better with time, is what keep us striving and trying on daily basis, despite temporary defeats on many occasion. The believe that you will still have financial improvemet,have spouse or the house of your dream, get pregnant, have the  dream the job, make your business or company grow , regain your sound health, be reward by creator for your good deed after life etc., are what keep us moving till now. Been hopeful is an essential tool for success, fulfilled and happier life. We hope thatOlodumare(God) hears and answers our prayers, and we hope that our labor isn’t in vain. Hence will continue to strive for better and happier life. A hopeless person is as good as dead. What exactly do we mean by hope? Hope is said to be a desire accompanied by expectation or believe in the fulfillment, it is a feeling of expectation that particular things will happen
 Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one's life or the world at large.As a verb, its definitions include: "expect with confidence" and "to cherish a desire with anticipation" hope is for something that isn’t seen, something that isn’t present. Once it becomes present, there’s no longer any reason to hope for it. So, hope means you’re looking at something that you can’t see. You might be thinking, Well, if you can’t see it, how are you looking at it? You can see things with your heart, and this is what I believe the imagination is. Hope is grasping for what we can’t see, but we believe because of the assurance in our hearts from Olodumare(God). So the ability and courage to feel and know that what one want will eventualy happen, the believe that tomorrow will be better than yesterday and today is hope.
Hope is part of master key to open door of success. The part to success do involve trial and difficulties, but never waiver or disbelieve, it is just a test because true success come to those who genuely believe and hopeful. To be hopeful you need your confidence , you need to believe in god Olodumare(God), our hope in God is not just about  a wish or dream, but a sure confidence that what the creator say will happen , will happen that  is hope. For you to succeed in anything you must be able to exercise some degree of hoping and perseverance. See what Ifa have to say and teach on the essence of hope, The sacred Odu Ifa  Obara Ogunda (Obara Eguntan ) teaches on essence and reward of hopefulness, see what this Scriptures of Ifa says:

Ile san mi
Oko san mi
Dia fun Akinsanmi
Ti n se omo Ikori Aga
Eyi to debiti sile
A-re –siwaju pa ogun
A-seyin-pa ogbon
A –re-saring gungun pa adoota
O na owo fa iti gbugbun
Igbin merindinlogun tun jabo
Igba to o lanu ha a
Oyin tun kan si lenu
Yoo pada dele
Iyawo to loyun ti bi Ibeji
Oni ha aye oun dun bi Alaafin
Kop e ko jina
E w aba ni jebutu Ire gbogbo
I was favor at home
And I was also favors in the farm
These was Ifa revelations for Akinsanmi
The offspring Of Ikori Aga
When he set a trap
The front strokes of the trap kill twenty animals
The back stroke kills thirty animal
The middle stroke killed fifty animal
He pulled down a creeper plant to use it as rope
Sixteen snails fell down from it
When he open his mouth in exclamation
Honey dropped into his mouth
When he returns home
His pregnant wife has deliver a set of twins
He make declarations that he has fulfilled life as that Of Alaafin( prominent King Of Oyo Old Oyo empire)
Before long, not too far
Join us in the mist of all fortune.

In this sacred Ifa stanza above. In the time of the old. There was a man known as Akinyemi , who is an offspring of a man known as Ikori Aga. Akinyemi choosing occupation is professional anima trap setter. However he was very unfortunate in this choosing profession. His trap doesn’t kill any animal. Couple with the fact that he has no children of his own. Nothing is working for him. He was unsucceful, living in poverty, unable to afford three square meal conveniently. He as result of this went for Ifa consultations many times and ifa will instruct him to perform ebo and be positive that his life will be good and prosperous. He must remain hopeful. Despite all these ebo, his life does not change in any way. But Akinyemi remain hopeful that his life will change for good as foretell by Ifa. Due to strong hope he have in  Ifa and Olodumare . He continues to set his traps on daily basis even though no animal was killed. It is this sign of hope that a young lady sees in Akinyemi and she agree to marry Akinyemi. 
The lady become pregnant, things become harder for Akinyemi ,he was unable to feed the pregnant woman. But despite all this Akinyemi never lose hope in Olodumare (god) he continues with his work in faith. He continues to set it trap as usual. One day when the pregnancy of his wife is nine month old, Akinyemi went to the farm to check his traps , to his utter astonishment, the front stroke of the trap had kill twenty animals, the back stroke of the trap had kill thirty animals, the middle stroke had kill fifty animals. When he park this animal together, he discovers that he need rope to bind them, he try pulling a creeper plant near him to make the rope, on pulling the creeper, sixteen big snails fell from the tree ,he was shocked beyond measures ,when he open his mouth to say haa in exclamation a raw wild pure honey  continue to drip into his mouth, he was very  happy and headed home. By the time he gets home his wife has deliver set of twins.  He declare that his life is fulfilled as that of Alaafin of Oyo ( a powerful king at that time)

Some enemies and detractors who was envious of Akinsami sudden positive improvement of life conspire against him , they report him to Alaafin of Oyo, that Akinyemi is ridiculing Alaafin. That he even said he (Akinsami) and Alaafin are mate in everything. On hearing this ,Alaafin order for immediate arrest of Akinsami. Akinsami was arrested and beaten like un-useful and inedible snake and dragged to courtyard of Alaafin for punishments. They asked him that, on what ground is he comparing himself in statute to that of Alaafin and what give him the confidence and temerity to ridicule Alaafin as such. Akisanmi reply that, he did not ridicule Alaafin rather than ,his life was suddenly transform from grass to grace after many years of hope and promises from Olodumare. He explain everything that just happen as explain in this work earlier, that is why he said his life is as fulfilled as that of Alaafin, he did do not say that to ridicule Alaafin.
On hearing this Alaafin said, truly Akinasanmi life is indeed fulfilled to have experience such multiples blessings both at home and in the farm. They asked if Akinyemi have house of his own, Akinyemi reply is no, but he has a plot of land he want to develop. The king orders that his workers should follow Akinyemi to his plot of land and erected thirty-two room mansions for him. Sixteen room on the left, sixteen rooms on the right. The king gets marry to female among the twin that his how he become king- in law. From rag to riches, from trap setter to royalty. All these achievements were attains is as result of hope, pessimism and believe.
Ifa make it clear that there is always a better future for those who can be hopeful; as a result we should not lose hope in ourselves or others around us. We should not underrate or belittle other or our own opportunity to achieve our set goals in life; rather we should be hopeful that success is certain. Ifa said that nobody knows what the future hold, we should be hopeful.  We should believe in God the good that God have to offer us , to disbelieve is to lack trust in your creator. One of the Ifa scriptural authorities on this proposition is Ogbe Iwori also known as Ogbeweyin. See what this Odu  have to say . Ifa says:

Dasa Awo eti omi
Gbagbagia Awo ale ife
Dia fun oni
 A bun fun Eyinwa ola
Owo ni n o ni o,ta lo mon ?
Ta lo  mo meyinwa ?
Ta lo rola
Omo ni o ni , Ta lo mon?
Ta lo meyinwa
Ta lo rola
Ile ni o ko o Ta lo mon?
 Ta mo yein ta lo rola
Ire gbogbo ni o ni ota lo mon?
Ta lo meyiinwa
Ta lo rola
Dasa , the awo of the river side
Gbagbagia , the Awo of Ife land
These were awo who make Ifa consultation for Oni ( today/present)
They also make Ifa consultation for Ola (tommoro /future)
If I am to be blessed with wealth, who knows?
Who can predict the future?
Who knows what tomorrow hold

If I am to be blessed with spouse who knows?
Who can predicts the future
Who knows what tomorrow hold
If I am to be blessed with property who knows?
Who can predict the future?
Who knows what tomorrow hold
 If I am to be blessed with all the fortunes of life, who knows ?
Who can predict the future?
Who know what tomorrow hold

There is other leading Odu that is pointing to the fact that we should always be focus on the future. No matter the situation today we must remain hopeful the futures always have good things to offer for those who can remain positive. In the Odu Ifa  Odi ogbe, Ifa says:
Awo o kere awo oni
Awo o dagba   Awo ola
Ogede ni gbodo gbosin gbora
Awo Olameni –mola
Dia fun Oni –loju –pon-mi –mon
Ti n se omo bibi inu Agboniregun
Nijo ti n torun bo wale aye
Ebon i won ni ko se O gbebo , o rubo
Nje oni ni oju pon mi mon o
Bo ba di ola  a dirorun
Bi opa kan ba wo dundun
Igba woroworo ni ilu fi n jo
Oni loju [pon mi mo to ba di ola a di irorun
The insignificance of awo is today
Tomorrow  the awo shall grow and become great
The banana plant live by the river bank in comfort and grow
The awo of Olameni-Mola ( who know today and the future)
This was if revelations for ‘ my-suffering-ends-today’
The child of Agboniregun
When coming from heaven to earth
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Today my suffering end
Tomorrow, it shall turn to comfort
When dundun drum is struck with stick
Two hundred jingles will dance in response
Today my suffering end,
Tomorrow it shall turn to comfort.

From the extracts from different Ifa scriptural authority above, it can be deduce that , to sail through the vicissitude of life and come out with success , we must imbibe the habit and spirit of hope into our life, we must be persevere and be focus and rely on Olodumare(God) that everything we need will happen, despite our present circumstance or predicament. We should learn to focus on the positive aspect of life rather focus majorly on the negative ,Because whatever you focus on too much have the ability of magnifying and manifest.

Source: babalawo obanifa


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